Event - Year 3 Meet Professor McGinty

27 February 2009

Professor McGinty is a time traveller who came into school to help the children in Year 3 learn more about the Romans. The children have been studying the Romans as part of their history topic.

The Professor came in and took the children on a journey back in time! They looked at how the Romans lived and some of the things they may have seen when they arrived in Celtic Britain, such as the houses - which Professor McGinty called 'pointy doo-doo sheds'!

The children had the chance to look at some Roman artefacts such as coins and the pots they may have drunk from. They were also able to dress up in some Roman costumes.

They thoroughly enjoyed their morning of time travel with Professor McGinty and learnt a lot more about the Romans.

Prof McGinty comes in to tell us about the Romans.
The children had lots of fun in the session.

Some children dressed up in Roman costumes.
This child became a rich Roman.