Clifton Primary School
Clifton Primary School

Headteachers’ Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,

Our Clifton journey started many years ago. Mrs Hemming joined the team in January 1995 as a new teacher and Dr Allen in 1997 as a student on teaching practice! We are deeply committed to Clifton; we have seen many changes from amalgamation through to growing to four form entry.

As Co-Headteachers, we are excited to take the lead in moving our school forward in all areas – from improving learning experiences for our children and enabling them to continue to improve in their achievements, to opening up our facilities in the holidays and weekends for our community to enjoy. From developing great relationships with our parents and communicating key information about learning and events, to providing support to our families in the form of Early Help through our unique Family Hub team and signposting to other support agencies (e.g. housing and finance).

We are committed to giving every child a Clifton uniform t-shirt to wear with pride and provide free uniform to children in receipt of Pupil Premium.

We also understand the importance of offering our children experiences outside of the curriculum through a wide range of after school club opportunities and visits.

Dr Sarah Allen

Dr Allen, Co-Headteacher

Mrs Nicola Hemming

Mrs Hemming, Co-Headteacher

Our Vision:

Our vision for Clifton Primary School is to enable all children to achieve their full potential in a safe, welcoming and happy learning environment. We will strive to create responsible citizens who are independent and confident lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of a changing future. This will be achieved within an inclusive school that values every individual and celebrates the diversity of our community.

Respect (respect one another), Care (care for everyone and everything) and Listen (listen carefully and make good choices) are embedded as part of our school ethos.

We have extremely high expectations of our pupils, staff and families. We work very hard to support our parents and carers, through a strong community programme, with a range of events and activities.

We place a very high focus on children in EYFS developing the appropriate key skills to support their progress as they move through the school.

We want our pupils to be happy, caring, responsible and independent individuals because this is the best possible preparation for adult life.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child into our school.

Dr Sarah Allen and Mrs Nicola Hemming

September 2023