Safeguarding Introduction
Clifton Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children.
We believe it is our duty to safeguard children through:
- effective policies and procedures that are embedded within our practice across school;
- rigorous staff training;
- a robust safeguarding curriculum.
These three aspects form our Safeguarding Vision.
If you have any concerns about child protection or safeguarding and are unable to contact our school then please contact: MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) Team on: 0121 303 1888 or 0121 675 4806 (Emergency Duty Team).
Safeguarding Policies
It is crucial that our policies and procedures are as effective as they can be to keep children and staff safe.
Our Safeguarding Flowchart, below, clearly outlines the procedures all staff and visitors must follow if a child makes a disclosure to them or if they have concerns about a child. All safeguarding concerns are first discussed with a trained DSL and then recorded on our online recording system (CPOMS). The appropriate action is then taken. One response to a concern may include setting up an inter-agency ‘Early Help’ assessment which then forms a ‘Family Plan’ to support individual families. Clifton employs two family work co-ordinators (who both work 3 days a week) to support our children and families.
As well as concerns we may have for individual children, we are also rigorous in ensuring our large school site is safe.
We have an electronic signing in system that ensures all visitors to the site are aware of our safeguarding procedures and fob entry systems on all external building doors.
We have regular health and safety meetings to discuss issues arising and the appropriate members of staff have had training for ‘Safer Recruitment’ and ‘Educational Visits’.
Please see all our Safeguarding Policies on our Policies and Documents page.
Further Documents and Resources
At Clifton, we adhere to the following Government and Local Authority guidelines:
- Keeping Children Safe in Education – DfE, Sep 2023
- Working Together to Safeguard Children – DfE, Jul 2018
- Emergency Procedures when a Child is Not Collected – BCC, Apr 2016
These policies ensure that our procedures are rigorous and are embedded within our everyday practice to keep all children and staff safe.