School Meals
Clifton Primary School works with CityServe to provide good value, nutritionally based school meals. As a healthy school we actively encourage good quality nutrition and children have a variety of choices of vegetables, salad and fruit each day.
- Dinners cost £2.30 per day (£11.50 a week) for Key Stage 2 pupils and £2.00 per day (£10.00 a week) for full time Nursery pupils.
- Dinners are free for all children in Reception and Key Stage 1 as of September 2014.
Dinner money must be paid in advance. You may pay weekly or termly in advance. Payments should be made using our online payment system, ParentPay, or using your ParentPay Pay Point card.
We also encourage healthy choices for children bringing packed lunches from home. Packed lunches need to include:
- Something substantial (such as a sandwich, a chapatti or some pasta).
- Some vegetables or fresh fruit.
- Only one sweet snack!
- A drink (water or fruit juice).
Please contact the school for more advice or information if required.
School meals are served daily in the Ocean Hall and the Woodland Hall where children and staff eat together to enjoy both school meals and packed lunches.

Current Dinner Menu
Our school dinner menu follows a three-week cycle. You can read the current menu below:
- Dinner Menu – from June 2024
Where school provides packed lunches, the following menu lists what is available PLUS the allergens contained within each item (Natasha’s Law):
- Packed Lunch Menu (including Allergen Information) – from September 2021
Other related information:
- Halal Certification and Letter
- Food Hygiene Certification – 5 Star
- Checklist for School Lunches
- School Food Standards Certificate
- School Food Standards Guide

Free School Meals
EYFS and Key Stage 1
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will get free school meals through the government-funded universal initiative that was launched in September 2014.
We positively promote this and encourage all parents to take up this offer. We estimate that it will save parents hundreds of pounds per year and provide children with a well-balanced and nutritious lunch.
Key Stage 2
For children in Years 3 to 6, if you as parent/carer receive certain benefits, then your child may be eligible for Free School Meals. Please use the Free School Meals Checking Service to see if you are eligible.
If you are on a low income and/or receiving benefits, then please apply for this grant as the school receives extra income towards its education budget for your child as part of the Pupil Premium initiative.