Clifton Primary School
Clifton Primary School

School Games Hub

At Clifton Primary School, we always look to provide our pupils with as broad a range of high quality Physical Education experiences as possible, in addition to the opportunity to take part in as many competitions and festivals as possible.

All pupils from Reception to Year 6 take part in PE lessons every week, taught by a specialist PE Teacher and/or their own class teacher.

The younger children are encouraged to develop their Fundamental movement skills, in line with the ‘Start to Move’ ethos, advocated by the Youth Sport Trust

Pupils in Key Stage 2 use the skills learnt in a range of PE activities such as Gymnastics, Dance, Invasion Games, Net/wall and Outdoor Adventurous Activities.

We often use sports coaches to work with teachers in lessons, to enhance pupil learning and provide professional development for our staff. Examples of this are Aston Villa Football Club, Edgbaston Priory Tennis Club and Cheshire Dance Company.

We are working with Create Development to introduce a new scheme of work for Key Stage 1. We also play a range of other sports in PE such as Boccia, New Age Kurling, Tri Golf and Sports Hall Athletics.

School Games Competition Calendar

Check out the exciting School Games Competitions we have coming up: