Safeguarding Team
Due to the size of our school we have a large team of trained DSLs (Designated Safeguarding Leads). All of the Leadership Team are DSLs as well as three further members of staff.
Sarah Allen, Lead DSL and Co-Headteacher
Nasreen Ahmed, Lead DSL
Nikki Hemming, Co-Headteacher
Azra Bi, Deputy Headteacher
Rebecca Allen, Assistant Head
Pav Bhachu, Assistant Head
Sarah Carbery, Assistant Head
Nicola Harris, Assistant Head
Christy Sercombe, Assistant Head
Owen Lamprey, Lead Practitioner for Health and Well Being
Nikki Akhtar, Family Work Coordinator
Natalie Sierotko, Family Support Worker
Safeguarding Training
Our DSLs receive refresher training annually and our two Lead DSLs attend a termly safeguarding conference and a Local Authority briefing meeting to keep up to date.
In addition to training for DSLs, we have a comprehensive training programme for all staff on the school site.
Each September ‘Services for Education’ provide training for all staff, including our site premises managers, cooks, dinner supervisors and governors.
Staff appointed in-year are expected to complete an online training safeguarding module. This initial training is built on throughout the year where specific issues, such as domestic violence, form part of further staff professional development sessions.
To measure staff understanding, we also set weekly quiz questions that we expect staff to answer correctly.