Teaching Staff
Allow us to introduce you to all our Teaching staff members.
These lovely pictures were drawn by some of our pupils. If you’d like to see what the staff really look like, just roll over each picture, and all will be revealed!

Mrs N Ahmed by Hannan

Mrs S Akhtar by Yumna

Mrs A Ali by Umnia

Mr C Bacon by Lona

Ms A Begum by Aqsa

Mrs A Bhachu by Azemina

Miss S Bi by Alliyah

Mrs S Choudhury by Zikra

Mrs J Cook by Afman

Miss M Crookes by Salwa

Ms J Doal by Alisha

Mr A Eddleston by Umnia

Mrs L Fry by Aleeza

Mrs A Hussain by Mohammed

Miss H Khan by Nour

Mrs S Majeed by Aqsa

Miss B Mansor by Louay

Miss L Murphy by Amelia

Miss F Nayaz by Ameera

Mrs S Osborne by Ismail

Mr A Pengelly by Husna

Mr M Rahman by Sara

Miss A Roachford by Rawah

Ms H Robertshaw by Jannah

Mr P Sawyer by Eesa

Mrs Emma Smith by Imees

Ms L Smith Airey by Safa

Miss A Tariq by Abdullah

Mr J Vasta by Uzair

Mrs K Ward by Husna

Mrs S Wood by Anisa
Teaching Staff Members
Name | Title/Responsibility |
Mrs Nasreen Ahmed | Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs Shazmeen Akhtar | Teacher |
Mrs Ayesha Ali | Teacher |
Mr Christopher Bacon | Deputy SENCO |
Ms Aleema Begum | Teacher |
Mrs Amy Bhachu | Teacher |
Miss Shabana Bi | Teacher |
Mrs Shazia Choudhury | Teacher |
Mrs Julie Cook | Teacher |
Miss Molly Crookes | Teacher |
Ms Jasmine Doal | Teacher |
Mr Adam Eddleston | Teacher |
Mrs Lucy Fry | Teacher |
Mrs Amina Hussain | Teacher |
Miss Huma Khan | Teacher |
Mrs Sabaa Majeed | Teacher |
Miss Basma Mansor | Teacher |
Miss Leah Murphy | Teacher |
Miss Farah Nayaz | Teacher |
Mrs Samantha Osborne | Teacher |
Mr Allen Pengelly | Teacher |
Mr Mizanur Rahman | Teacher |
Miss Aahliyah Roachford | Teacher |
Ms Hayley Robertshaw | Teacher |
Mr Peter Sawyer | Teacher |
Mrs Emma Smith | Teacher |
Ms Lizzie Smith Airey | Teacher |
Miss Aqsa Tariq | Teacher |
Mr Jameel Vasta | Teacher |
Mrs Katrina Ward | SEND Teacher, Acting SENCO |
Mrs Sarah Wood | Teacher |