Ethos and Values
Our Motto
A World of Learning Together
Vision and Ethos
Our vision for Clifton Primary School is to enable all children to achieve their full potential in a safe, welcoming and happy learning environment.
We will strive to create responsible citizens who are independent and confident lifelong learners equipped to meet the challenges of a changing future.
This will be achieved within an inclusive school that values every individual and celebrates the diversity of our community.
At Clifton Primary School we aim to:
- have high expectations of children and to provide varied learning experiences within a broad and balanced curriculum;
- provide a stimulating, attractive and interactive environment that promotes learning;
- ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to achieve their full potential – this will be achieved through positive action regarding culture, religion, gender, ability and aptitude;
- nurture a learning community of families, governors and other individuals to enrich educational opportunities;
- and to develop self esteem, respect and social skills enabling children to form positive relationships within school and in the context of a modern multi-cultural society.
British Values
At Clifton we promote fundamental British Values throughout our curriculum. We use the acronym ‘Dr Tim’ to help children remember and understand each of the values.
‘Dr Tim’ posters are displayed throughout the school and are referred to when British Values are taught.
While British Values are promoted through many aspects of our curriculum, our PSHE provision specifically includes the strand ‘Identity, Society and Equality.’ Many themes that promote British Values are taught within this scheme of work which begins in Nursery. The UNCRC ‘Rights of our Child’ are also embedded within our curriculum and ethos.
At Clifton we:
- provide pupils with a broad general knowledge of and promote respect for public institutions and services;
- organise visits to the local council;
- hold school council elections;
- help pupils to express their views;
- teach pupils how they can influence decision making.
The Rule of Law
At Clifton we:
- establish shared rules and expectations (Respect, Care, Listen);
- help pupils to know right from wrong;
- help pupils to respect the law and the basis on which it is made;
- help pupils to understand that living under the rule of law protects individuals;
- include visits from the police in the curriculum;
- develop a positive approach to conflict and resolution.
At Clifton we:
- help pupils to acquire an understanding of their own and others’ cultures and ways of life;
- challenge prejudicial and discriminatory behaviour;
- organise visits to places of worship.
Individual Liberty
At Clifton we:
- support pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence;
- encourage pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour as well as knowing their rights;
- model freedom of speech through pupil participation and pupil debate;
- challenge stereotypes;
- implement a strong anti-bullying culture, supported by an annual anti-bullying focus week;
- are a UNICEF ‘Rights and Respecting’ Silver Award school.
Mutual Respect
At Clifton we:
- promote respect for individual differences;
- develop critical, personal thinking skills;
- discuss differences between people, such as differences such as faith ethnicity, disability, gender or differences in family situations, such as looked-after children or young carers.